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Why The Gender Gap In Comedy Isn't That Funny!


Did you know, that stand-up comedy in today's "socially inclusive" world is a largely male-dominated profession?

One of the main reasons why in an overlooked field like comedy 88.7% of stand-up comedians are men is because of the LACK OF ROLE MODELS.

Guys grew up watching guys do stand-up. Girls grew up watching guys do stand-up.

Why? The answer is simple.

Girls are never meant to be the jokers, they are always the joke. Because when it's funny, then it isn't sexist, right? Plus, men don't want women who amuse, they'd rather prefer those who can be easily amused.

On top of that, let's not forget the very common misconception that WOMEN AREN'T FUNNY. Because honestly, what can a "lady comedian" joke about? Periods and tampons? Grocery prices and irritating neighbors? This is why girls shouldn’t go into comedy. Men are much better, they can joke about absolutely anything!

Oh well, as Ellen DeGeneres, the Emmy Award-winning comedian, author, and host of one of the world's greatest daytime comedy shows says, "Don't worry about what people say about you. Let the naysayers nay. They will eventually get tired of naying".

So, at the end of the day, maybe we can summarize it as a LACK OF POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT for girls because there's absolutely no one on the sidelines encouraging these young women to go up on a stage and make themselves as well as others laugh. On top of that, there's always the underlying double standard. Women are too boring when they joke about tampons and cash receipts, but at the same time, they are too outspoken when they make jokes about politics or LGBTQ rights!

Only 11.3% of stand-up comedians are women.

It's time for us to flip the numbers around and Stand-Up for Women in Stand-Up.


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