The Seven Secrets To Success😎
What's the major difference between us and these super-rich mighty billionaires that we see around ourselves? Well, for starters, they are billionaires😂 But how did they get to the top? Did they study 24/7 like maniacs or did they get their education from a prestigious university? I don't think so, 'cause Elon Musk never went to Harvard, but the people working for him sure did! So then, why are they sitting at the top and splashing out their money while we are saving each and every precious penny?! It's simple! All of them have these small bejeweled pirate-y treasure chests in which they keep their secrets to success, but today, it's finally unlocked! Are you curious, then scroll down!
Here are the seven secrets,
If you got these sweet gems in your bag, then get ready to be number one! 👌
Did you know that Steve Jobs once got fired from Apple, his own company? Now normal people would get angry and demotivated in these kinds of situations but Jobs didn't. Instead, he started two other companies namely NeXt and Pixar which went on to become a huge success. Sometimes to get to the top, you need to be very stubborn and persistent and stay fixated on your goal. You need to get up no matter how many times you fall down. Otherwise, all it takes is a big NO! to stop you from being the best.
At some point, people get bored of the same old ideas. You must have seen the movie, Jurassic Park. It was a huge blockbuster when it was released back in the 90s. Why? 'Cause people had never seen anything like it! Big bad dinosaurs, razor-sharp teeth, dangerous adventures, the idea was completely unique! That's what you need to catch people's attention. Something new, something different that might just change the world😏
"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"-Coco Chanel
Sometimes it's good for our health to push self-doubt away and actually take a risk. Otherwise, all you are going to get is a big box of sad stories and regrets. You just need to give it your hundred percent, and after that, it's just plain luck. And try not to be demotivated by your failure. After all, being number two will motivate you to work harder and get to the top. Just keep getting better and better because there is no such thing as ultimate perfection✨
Taking risks is damn necessary, but at the same time, knowing what risks to take is important too. You can't just dive head-first into any situation with a carefree always need to have a plan AND a backup plan. You need to be ever-ready for any twisted turn of events and always have the requisite tools to help you out. Of course, you can't actually predict the future but better safe than sorry, right?😗
It's good to do exactly what is expected from you, but sometimes it's better to do a bit extra. Not only does it put you a bit ahead of everyone else, but it also helps you in unimaginable ways in the long run. Though it might take a while, it's much, much better to do the extra mile. Always study one page more, always practice one minute more and always try to sleep one minute more too😜
"Believe you can and you are halfway there"-Theodore Roosevelt
How do you plan on telling people about your ideas if you're too nervous to even talk to them in the first place?! The more you broaden your horizons, you learn about new things and different experiences. You should try to understand different people's perspectives, their ideas and innovations...try to know more about their problems and maybe you will find that you already have the perfect solution for it. What's better than making money while helping people out, am I right?😮
The best for the last! To have a permanent residence at the top floor, you're going to invest some time on your personality and attitude. Show your personality to the ones that you know you can trust, on the other hand, leave your attitude for your opponents😎 After all, the world is full of CRAP (criticism, rejection, arrogance and pressure), it's time to learn how to deal with it, LIKE A BOSS.
Too good Anahita .. good choice of words.