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Are you bored, or frustrated and irritated by this new pandemic routine? Are these emotions making your grey days darker? Then ladies and gentlemen, I request thee to bow down and praise thy Lord, thy savior, thy cure for boredom...the one and only, ART! (cue the trumpets and cheering👏👏) Art is a medium through which we can express our thoughts, feelings and emotions, either directly or indirectly. The seven knights in shining armours - painting, music, literature, sculpture, architecture, performing and cinema, are all types of art. It's the most wondrous savior ever known to man, now more than ever. The time has finally come, for us to welcometh it with open hands.

A little art during the first pandemic lock-down made by moi 🤗💖


Humans were born with the unique gift of expressing their thoughts and emotions through various forms of art. The emotion in every stroke of brush, every lyric, every word leaves a lasting impact for centuries. Various studies have also shown that it improves the concentration and communication skills in children and enhances the quality of life in adults. This is because it forces our mind to forge a deeper connection with our body and soul, in order to get the desired outcome. In other words, art is a godsend virtue of both imagination and originality.

"L’æuvre d’art, c’est une idée qu’on exagére." - French author André Gide - It means that a work of art is nothing but an idea that someone exaggerates.

The famous Pietà sculpture made by the great artist Michelangelo depicting Mother Mary holding Jesus Christ in her arms after the crucifixion. The great artist seemed to take pride in his work as this is the only masterpiece that he ever signed.

Art can be compared to an imaginary friend who will always stay by your side, come what may. It's a kind of a person who will listen to your gaiety and sorrow, unquestioningly and patiently it will let you vent your emotions and thoughts. It will be as if it's a helping hand which is always within your reach. Art is the hushed voice of the soul, but when it speaks, then it makes sure that everyone can hear it loudly and clearly. So try something new, either paint, dance, sing, write,'s up to you....just let that cascade of creativity flow like magic, 'cause art is thy savi'r in these dunnest of times. And as rightly said by the great artist Pablo Picasso - "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."


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Anahita here, welcome to my website, and thanks for reading my thoughts! I’m a fourteen-year-old who’s passionate about writing and want to make a difference in the world with the help of my words. Life is full of challenges, but it’s up to you to tackle them the right way. I believe that with the right guidance anyone can win the game of life. And here on Unspoken Thoughts, I’ll help you as much as I can. Now let me tell you a little something about myself!

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