Hey all!
Wanna get fit and look fab? Can‘t get up from the couch? You have come to the perfect place for motivation!
Don't worry,It's quite easy once you get used to it ;-)
Start at your own pace and then shoot for the stars!!
How to get excited!
Can anybody be actually excited to workout? Are they robots or something?!!! Actually nobody is excited to exercise, it‘s just their bodies. What’s that supposed to mean? It means that when the time to exercise comes your brain just rings an alarm and the whole body is like-“ I GOTTA MOVE NOW!” People whose brains are wired to work out at a specific time either feel guilty that they didn’t or fell really,really wrong...like someone just broke their body parts (i.e. really stiff). So...how to get your body excited? That little area of motivation to get yourself up from the couch is all you. Your body likes to stay in it it's comfort zone...eating, sleeping and repeating, but you need to help it to get activated and on exercise mode. YOU are the one who has to start someday! If you continue for about a week then it easily becomes a habit. A tip that I can give you is that you need a PRE-WORKOUT ROUTINE to get excited. A pre-workout routine is something that you do before a workout. It can be anything...changing clothes,making playlists,drinking protein shakes,warming up with stretching exercises or even doing a little dance workout to jazz it up a bit. By doing this,the automatic workout alarm will also start going in your brain now...and after one week it will just be a part of the routine!
Slow and Steady Wins The Race
Some people think that setting big goals is the answer, IT IS NOT. You can't learn a musical instrument or master a subject in one day. In the same way your body can't show you changes in one day. You need to do it regularly, day by day, like a part of your routine. Also don't set big goals on the first day. For example, earlier before the lock down, my dad used to take me for a 3 km run every morning and I used to loathe it. I used to come up with all types of excuses to avoid it and always stayed grumpy during the run. But, after the lock down started easing up a bit I started to go for 3-5 km runs every alternate day in my society. Gradually it became a habit and now I can run 3 km with ease! Now my body is trained to run more then 3-4 km or I start feeling guilty! Guess what I'm trying to say is start easy, like a 10 min HIIT (high intensity-interval training) or 10 min abs and then increase your goals and try to challenge yourselves on a regular basis, and I promise...you will notice the change XD.
Sometimes It's Okay
“Don't overdo it, don't under do it. Just do it."
Some days when you feel tired from work or maybe too sleep deprived, it's okay to skip a workout. That's a lesson that I still haven't learnt. Even on mornings when I'm very, very sleepy I still wake up and drag myself out of bed to go and play badminton (also a really great exercise for people who wanna have fun). On rare occasions it's actually very healthy to give your body a rest. There's no fun in doing the workout if you are sleepy and/or grumpy. But don't make this a habit!! I'm stressing on RARE OCCASIONS, like maybe once or twice in a month! Some days all you really lack is motivation.That's what you gotta build for yourself. On those days try to start your workout with a twist. For example, change your selection of songs,change your first workout, start by a dance or maybe invite a friend (that's really helpful but don't end up chatting like me ;). Try to look for more inspiration!
Get Inspired
Lastly I'm gonna share some of my workout links to boost up your motivation level!
By the way I usually follow Pamela Reif, Emkfit, Madfit, Lilly Sabri and Chloe Ting, but it's your choice!
https://youtu.be/AnYl6Nk9GOA Pamela Reif 10 min abs
https://youtu.be/zr08J6wB53Y Pamela Reif 10 mins HIIT
https://youtu.be/zm8Z-63UoTo Madfit 2010 Dance Party
https://youtu.be/8H6bD5fa014 Emkfit 2010 Bangerz Party
https://youtu.be/nSECUu4VFOc Lilly Sabri 10 days legs
P.S. On an ending note I just wanted to say that diet is a HUGE part of remaining fit. You need to eat healthy to be healthy. I'll write a different blog on that, don't forget to check that out....until then, see ya!!