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Four Habits That Will Change Your Life!🤓

I'm sure that all of us, in our lives, have read many motivational books and heard countless inspirational speeches, all in the hope of gaining something from them. But don't you think that sometimes it just gets a little too much? I mean most of the time there are just so many strict rules that we have to follow to be "successful", that we just give up altogether. Well don't worry, 'cause here's a concise, to-the-point list of four simple habits, not rules, that will guarantee you success in life in any and every field. So, scroll down!


Do you think that you're the kind of person who says "yes" to everything and ends up having too much on your plate? Well then try saying NO! for once. Sure people will be surprised at first but they will just have to understand that you also need to spend a little time with yourself. But if you're the kind of person who falls in the other category, and says "no" to everything, then try saying YES! It isn't that hard, it's actually quite enjoyable once you start doing it. I myself have been trying that out for almost 3 weeks. Because of that, now, I'm part of a small study group (where we actually do study), maybe a player on our basketball team, and also a future-fluent Spanish speaker! Start with small tasks...a friend asking for your help with homework, say yes if you're not really busy but say no if you are! Once you start getting into the habit of saying yes or no then after some time you'll realize that life just got more interesting. You're welcome!😎


Another stupid habit that almost everyone has is that instead of listening to what the other person is trying to convey to us, we're already formulating a response in our heads. I think most of the teachers in my school can back me up on this😂

Most of the time we're either searching for a response or not paying attention at all! Either way, we are NOT LISTENING while the poor person in front of us is going on about her very, very serious existential life crisis!!!

(Double stack chocolate pancake or Double Chocolate-Vanilla Waffle?! I can't decide!!)

Start listening to what the other person is trying to say to you and don't just rush in to give your opinion. Try to understand the other person's problems and solutions and then frame your response accordingly. Believe me, it will do wonders for your social status.


We as kids were born with this wonderful ability to ask questions; then school and parents killed it! If you think that asking questions will make people perceive you as dumb, or irritating, then to hell with them. Everyone has different understanding and learning capabilities and everyone needs their own time to grasp different concepts. And this isn't just meant for academics. You didn't get selected for the basketball team? Ask why! Maybe it was your strength or your stamina or something completely different, but if you'll never ask then you'll never know. Don't just assume things and go along with the flow, all you'll end up with is a lot of frustration and endless confusion. In eighth grade, I remember I asked my teachers so many stupid yet important doubts that I'm pretty sure that all of them were starting to get tired of me! But that doesn't matter, if you don't understand something then you have every right to ask your question.


We whine about not having enough time to study. We whine about not having enough motivation to exercise. Whereas in reality, we should be whining about our absolute inability to drag our butts from the couch and get out of our comfort zone. If Serena Williams didn't spend endless days and nights practicing and perfecting her game then do you think she would have become World No.1? Or if you for example hadn't revised your notes one last time then do you think you would've gotten the same marks in that one test? I used to think that comfort is the ultimate destination that we need to reach, but that's not true. Comfort is the enemy of hard work and opportunities, it's what stops us from trying out new things and broadening our horizons. If you ever get too comfortable in a certain place then that means that you need to challenge yourself to be bigger; better than you are now.

Well, unfortunately, that's all for now because sometimes a little bit gets a little too much. Don't misinterpret these pieces of advice as some strict rules that you need to follow. Instead, think of slowly building these habits day by day till the time you won't even realize that you're doing it. For your social and emotional development, inculcating these habits into your daily life is a must 'cause they will help you progress as an individual and make you more outgoing and interesting. Live on your own terms and be responsible for your own growth. Don't let anyone tell you what's right or what's polite. And as rightly said by the English poet John Dryden - "We first make our habits, and then our habits make us."




Shalin Dubey
Shalin Dubey
May 08, 2022

Fabulous piece of advise...I strongly believe simple habits in life make a important impact on what you become in your


Amit Langote
Amit Langote
May 08, 2022

I agree with your concise 4 habits to succeed list Anahita. Wonderfully written blog again. I love your compositions and blogs and clarity of thoughts.

Keep it up .

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Hi, thanks for stopping by!

Anahita here, welcome to my website, and thanks for reading my thoughts! I’m a fourteen-year-old who’s passionate about writing and want to make a difference in the world with the help of my words. Life is full of challenges, but it’s up to you to tackle them the right way. I believe that with the right guidance anyone can win the game of life. And here on Unspoken Thoughts, I’ll help you as much as I can. Now let me tell you a little something about myself!

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