Death - the elite devil🖤
It's a funny thing, isn't it, Death?
How it slowly consumes your soul,
Almost makes you wish you were never born
Shattering you into a thousand fragments, all torn
I've always been afraid of this elite devil
And deemed those courageous who fought against it,
Who looked straight into its eyes with their steely gaze
Never once deterring, never once fazed
It's hard to love someone, knowing that one fateful day, they too are destined to leave
It's hard to leave your mark, knowing that one fateful day, you too are destined to sleep
It's hard to do anything when Death stares you right in the face,
Try to run from it, but you won't win the race
Some say to embrace it,
Some say to ignore it,
Some say to accept it,
Well, I say - in all honesty, I don't know what to say
For I too, am nothing but a mere mortal
I too am nothing but a woman
Yet I believe in purpose, yet I believe in fate
Because it's a funny thing, isn't it, Death?
Embrace it, ignore it, or accept it...but you can't escape it.